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🌅 backgroundStretch2x is a lite jQuery plugin that adds images in the background dynamically. The images are resized according to the window size or its element container. This plugin is optimized to download images in low resolution then in high resolution for a better render with retina display (device pixel ratio: 2).



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backgroundStretch2x is a lite jQuery plugin that adds images in the background dynamically. The images are resized according to the window size or its element container. This plugin is optimized to download images in low resolution then in high resolution for a better render with retina display (device pixel ratio: 2).

The plugin works in 4 steps :

  • It loads the first image in low resolution ( img-1.jpg )
  • Then, this same image in high resolution ( img-1-2x.jpg )
  • Then, the other images are loaded in high resolution ( img-XX-2x.jpg )
  • Finally, the fade starts...


The image filename be named like this (the resolution is free, but must be double for the file "-2x.ext").

image-1.jpg (800x600) et image-1-2x.jpg (1600*1200)

<script src=""></script>
<script src="jquery.backgroundStretch2x.min.js"></script>
	// use a BODY
	// or
	$('body').backgroundStretch2x( ['images/image-1-2x.jpg'] );
	// use a DIV
		['images/image-1-2x.jpg','images/image-2-2x.jpg','images/image-3-2x.jpg'], {
			// options
			wait: 6000,
			fade: 1000,
			suffle: true


Name Description Type Default
wait Waiting time in milliseconds between 2 images. Integer ms 5000
fade Time of fade in milliseconds. Integer ms 2000
color Display background color between the images. You can use all the colors used in css. Eg:black, #000, #fff... String ''
shuffle Shuffle images before starting. Boolean false
centerX Centering the image in X axis with percentage. Float 0.0 to 1.0 0.5
centerY Centering the image in Y axis with percentage. Float 0.0 to 1.0 0.5
proportional Resizing images proportionally. Boolean true
onLoad All images are loaded. Function null
onChange The fade will start. Function null
onComplete The fade is completed. Function null
styles DIV styles: { left:0, top:0, overflow:'hidden', zIndex:-32000 } Object { .. }
template HTML: <div class="background-stretch-2x"></div> String html < .. >


🌅 backgroundStretch2x is a lite jQuery plugin that adds images in the background dynamically. The images are resized according to the window size or its element container. This plugin is optimized to download images in low resolution then in high resolution for a better render with retina display (device pixel ratio: 2).







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