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Simple Social Media Sharing

jQuery Social Media Sharing Plugin


Simple Social Media Sharing is a jQuery plugin that allows you to quickly transform an existing div element into a fully functional social media sharing widget.


  1. Make sure the jQuery library is loaded in the section of your web page.
  2. Include the simple_social_share.min.js and simple_social_share.min.css files after loading the jQuery library like so:
	<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
	<script type="text/javascript" src="simple_social_share.js"></script>
	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="simple_social_share.css">
	<title>Page Title</title>
  1. In another script, within the document.ready jQuery function, use a jQuery selector to specify which element you want to change into a social sharing widget by calling the .simpleSocialShare function. Here's an example:
<script type="text/javascript">
	$( document ).ready(function() {
  1. Make sure your div element that you are transforming into a sharing widget exists in the body.
	<div class="shareThis"></div>


  • url: The page URL to share (defaults to the current page URL if none is specified).
  • title: A short title for the content being shared (defaults to the current page title if none is specified).
  • description: Description of the content being shared (defaults to the current page meta tag description if none is specified).
  • image: Image URL for the content being shared (this setting rarely applies to any social networking sites... by default, Facebook and Twitter use these meta tag properties):
<meta content="" property="og:image">
<meta content="" property="twitter:image">
  • sites: Specify which social media sites are included in the sharing widget IN ORDER separated by commas (defaults to all - leave the setting empty or blank to use all supported social media sharing sites)
    • values:
      • facebook
      • twitter
      • google
      • linkedin
      • pinterest
      • email
      • whatsapp (shows only if a mobile device is detected)
      • reddit
    • examples:
      • just facebook, twitter, and email: sites: "facebook,twitter,email"
  • orientation: horizontal or vertical for the button / social media buttons layout.
  • shareType:
    • values:
      • text: Show "Share on:" text before social media buttons (Does not show if orientation is set to vertical)
      • button: A toggleable button for showing / hiding your specified social media sharing networks
      • none: Shows nothing but the social media sharing buttons
  • triggerButtonActiveState: true or false boolean... if true, the button will be in a clicked state on initialization showing all of the social media buttons
  • buttonSide: left or right - Only works with shareType of button... places the share button on the left or right side of the social media icons
  • facebookAppId: Your Facebook App Id to customize sharing better on Facebook (default is none).

Return Methods:


Practical Examples:

<script type="text/javascript">
	$( document ).ready(function() {
		// Horizontal layout with toggle button
		$("div.shareThis").simpleSocialShare({sites: "email,facebook,google", url: "", title: "Google", description: "Father of the Internet", image: "", shareType: "button", triggerButtonActiveState: true, buttonSide: "left", orientation: "horizontal"});
		// For vertical with no button or text specifying sharing
		$("div.shareThis").simpleSocialShare({sites: "twitter,google,facebook", url: "", title: "Google", description: "Father of the Internet", image: "", shareType: "none", buttonSide: "right", orientation: "vertical"});

Supported Browsers:

  • IE 8-11+
  • Edge
  • Firefox
  • Chrome
  • Safari

Live Demo:

See Simple Share Plugin in Action


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