File Uploading is one of the most important requirement in almost every website and web applications.
So keeping that in mind we have launched PHP image upload script using AJAX and jQuery and made file uploading simple, easier and user friendly for all users who work on web technologies.
In this script you will get all different types of upload like simple upload, drag & drop image upload, image upload with rotate, resize, crop and that can be used directly in your applications and can save your time.
The script will store the image in a defined path if you wish you can change it as per your need.
We have also applied some validations in image upload that will check the correct file format while uploading.
PHP Image Upload Feature Set:-
Simple file upload:-
This feature is simple PHP file upload that is commonly used. In this section we have designed two type of simple upload :
- Mutliple File Upload – Where you can add multiple upload fields
- Multi Select Upload – In this section you can select multiple files at a time to upload them.
jQuery Ajax file upload:-
Here file upload function is been performed using Ajax. It is mostly prefered by developers now a days. We have covered to Ajax based image upload:
- Single file upload – In this you can select one file or image at a time
- Drag & drop multiple file upload – Here you can perform multiple selection
Crop image with upload:-
In this section you can do image croping and then can upload the croped image.
Resize image & upload:-
In this feature you can able to resize your image first and then can upload it. You can resize your image by two ways:
- Resize by slider – Here you can adjust the width and height using slider provided.
- Resize by cursor – Here you can use cursor to resize the image
Watermark image upload:-
This image upload section is different from other image upload. Here you can apply watermark to a file that you are going to upload. You can apply watermark in two formats:
- Text watermark – In this this you can put your own text for watermark while uploading
- Image watermark – To generate image watermark. you need to do a small change in the script. What you have to do is you need to replace the watermark image with the one you want. Currently we have used a default image to generate watermark.