Are you facing trouble to reach your clients. ? 

Then you are far away from establishing a powerful bond of communication with the subscribers and customers that could affect your user engagement towards your services.

So, Is there any solution regarding this matter. ? 

Of course yes, Email Autoresponder helps you to connect with your clients at the same point when they contact you which in result increases clients engagement and enhances your lead nurturing program.

AutoResponding Is Yet Another Feature To Be Taken Care Of! What If It Comes With In-Built SMTP In A Fully-Featured Email Marketing Package?
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To help your efforts for strengthening the relationship with the clients, MailGet provides a best autoresponder email feature using which you can configure emails to triggered at a specific time.

By doing so, It helps you to boost your relationships with your client by –

  • Nurture Lasting Relationships
  • Increases User Engagement
  • Nurture New Sign-ups
  • Make A Powerful First Impression On The User

..which altogether lift your business.

What is Email Autoresponder?

An email autoresponder is an excellent innovation in email marketing tools with the help of which you can have automatic email reply when anyone contacts you.

With email autoresponder, you can create a pre-written email that automatically triggers out as an immediate response to any customer’s email or when any new subscriber gets added to your contact list.

For instance,

If you have recently got a new customer, then you can set emails for them to be delivered out on specific days or intervals, two days later and then three days later and so on.

Like when any user signups, you could send confirmation emails, user’s guide, newsletter, keep updating about new products and services, and much more.

Why Should I Use Email Autoresponder..??

One big thing that you could achieve using email autoresponder is that you can automate your email sending and use that free up time to focus on other tasks.

By combining email autoresponder with your email marketing strategy, you can make a loyal following of your customer as well as the subscriber.

More importantly, through email autoresponder, you will remain connected with your customer’s and subscriber without any bondage of time.

Features Of MailGet Email Autoresponder

  • Welcome New Customers

Set emails to be triggered out automatically whenever a new user gets added to your subscriber’s list such as send them user guide, confirmation emails and welcome emails.

  • Triggers Based On Subscriber Activity

Setup relevant emails to be send on the basis of  specific subscriber activities such as those who clicks link on your welcome emails.

  • No Limit 

There is no limitation on the number of an autoresponder that you want to set up. You can configure any number of emails to be triggered as email autoresponder.

You can configure any number of emails to be triggered as email autoresponder.

  • Unlimited Message Length

No issue related to the message length like 40KB per message or any other similar constraint. You can create emails of whatsoever size and schedule it using email autoresponders.

You can create emails of whatsoever size and schedule it using email autoresponders.

  • Personalized Messages

Through autoresponders you also get to send personalized emails accordingly to the subscriber data you have collected.

Benefits Of Using Email Autoresponder

If you are unsure of the autoresponder benefits, keep on reading. I’ve broken it down for you –

1. Communication Never Stops

 The most useful part of using email autoresponder is that you can make it work continuously.

By having so, you can ensure that communication with your customer and subscriber never stop.

You can ensure that communication with your customer and subscriber never stop.

2. Builds Close Relationship With Customers

Using autoresponder email, you can regularly send them emails and provide them valuable information consistently.

By the time,

It becomes hard for customers not to like you and further helps you in building a long-term relationship with them.

3. Increases Rate Of Conversion

Through email autoresponder, you can quickly convey them about new products and services being launched.

By doing so,

You can certainly increase your sale conversions and consequently helps to increase your business.

4. Saves Time

By using email autoresponder, you can save a lot of time.

For example,

You can set birthday emails for every subscriber and customer.

No need of manually sending welcome emails to a new subscriber.

5. Keep Your Brand Top Of Mind

By sending newsletter and advertisement regularly through email autoresponder, a point is reached where the subscribers start trusting your brand and ultimately get branded towards your service.

6. Increases User Engagement

Through this feature, you will be able to design and send personalized email to your users. Sending personalized emails to the customers will increase their engagement with your emails.

Sending personalized emails to the customers will increase their engagement with your emails.

Email autoresponders not only provides an extremely useful way to communicate with the prospects but also keep you scheduled ahead of time.

Autoresponder is the tool that every organization wants to have to reach more subscribers while saving time. !!