PhoneGap Bluetooth

Bluetooth is a software(Based on wireless technology) which is generally used for making the communication or information exchange… …between two electronic devices such as mobile phone computer tablet etc. Though we have various fast data transfer technology today, which are capable to exchange data with a very fast speed rate, still we are carying and …

PhoneGap Configuration File : Config.xml

Config.xml is a platform specific configuration file. With the help of this configuration file, it is possible to modify the default values of PhoneGap application elements like – Widget Name Description Plugins API Icons Splash Screens etc. Important Points About Config.xml Make sure it is at the top level of your application. You can take a look …

10+ Best Email Marketing Automation Software 2022

Business organization are well known about the fact that how marketing directly relates to sales. Hence, business organization have used marketing services to boost their marketing strategy and therefore, invested an enormous amount in it. Now, what next is to – “Reduce time spent administering marketing programs and completing tasks.” And to do so, various …

FormGet Video Tutorials Guide

You agree with the fact that video tutorial is a great way to learn software, business, creative skills, app and much more. Isn’t it? So to learn about FormGet from the beginning, I come up with the video tutorial series via this post.