A few days back, I sent an email to my 10,372 subscribers of MailGet.
I asked for their advice on whether we should add a feature of automatic follow-up emails to the people who don’t open the email for the first time.
Here was the email, I sent to my subscribers.
Hi {firstname},
My colleague Pradeep who works along with me suggested me one new feature for MailGet.He asked me:Can we “automatically” re-send the email campaign to subscribers who don’t open the emails for the first time.Lets say, I send email to 10,000 people and out of those 4000 people open the email.Next day, same email should be re-sent again to remaining 6000 people automatically on its own.That way, we can lift the open rates up and maybe get few more eye-balls from the same effort.We already have feature to re-send emails to non-openers. But it needs to be done manually.I said, we can build this automation for sending emails to non-openers, if there is enough interest among our users.I need your advice …What do you think, Should we build that feature or should we put our effort somewhere else.Just hit reply with Yayy or Nahh … If you have any other suggestion please add that in the email.—
Thanks & Warm Regards,Neeraj Agarwal
After sending the email, I waited for near about 24 hours for the entire stats to be aggregated. Below are our stats of sending of Email 1.
Stats of Email 1:
Sent to 10,372 People
Opened by: 546 People
Open Rate: 5.26%
Unsubscribe: 0.35%
Here are the responses, I received from the subscribers after the first email.
After my first campaign, I waited for 2 days and re-sent the same campaign to the very same audience excluding the audience who opened it the first time. This time my stats are a bit different.
Stats of Email 2:
Email 2 was sent on Day 3 . The content and subject line was exactly the same. Nothing changed at all except only sending to non-opens of Email 1.
Sent to 9930 People
Opened by: 819 People
Open Rate: 8.25%
Unsubscribe: 0.37%
Here are the responses, I received from the subscribers who didn’t open my email for the first time.
Now, I have seen 2 patterns common among all the MailGet users.
- Some users simply send the email once and they don’t ever resend the same email again to non openers. This is our opinion costs a lot to the them because they are missing lot of eye balls by just sending the emails once.
- Some users are sending email follow-ups already, but they are not consistent in doing it. Meaning they do it with some of their campaigns but often don’t do it consistently.
Both the patterns above leads you getting fewer eyeballs on your message.
Lots of people know the power of follow ups but they are afraid that their subscribers might unsubscribe them.
Now my question is: What’s the point of having a subscriber in your database if they are not reading your emails.
It is better they unsubscribe and save you money than not reading your messages at all.
I would suggest you to sending follow-up emails and give it a try manually.
Our overall results from the very same audience:
Total Unique Subscribers: 10,372
Total Opens (1st Email): 546 Subscribers (5.26%)
Total Opens (2nd Email): 819 Subscribers (8.25%)
Total Unique Open Percent: 13.51%
We have made the decision and launched the automatic email follow-ups within MailGet. Using auto-followups you can send automated campaigns to your subscribers without you having to manually re-sent the campaign again.
Auto-followup with send the email on its own to the non-openers which in turn will enhance your open rates considerably. Do give it a try once and let us know your feedback.
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3 Replies to “[Case Study] 100% Increase in Email Open Rates with Follow-up”
Interesting insights Neeraj.
I am a subscriber of MailGet and just saw the auto followup button at the time of sending email. I tried it with my most recent campaign, I am pretty sure that it will enhance my open rates.
I see the value in resend. Very powerful indeed. The open rate is all trackable correct?
Yes, everything is trackable.