
Cloudflare API programmatically controls over every image request. Cloudflare image resizing allows several on-demand adjustments to images such as resizing, adjusting quality, and converting images to WebP format.

Apilitiy is helpful to analyze an IP and create a profile of your users Apility is a web-based, API-enabled, threat intelligence software that assists analysts and product enterprises with identifying and managing blocked IP addresses, endpoints, data processing and much more.  


Sender is an email marketing solution that provides users with the tools to create attractive emails for drip campaigns, sales or marketing content. Sender makes it easy for e-commerce marketers to send automated marketing or promotional emails and drive more revenue for a fraction of the price of other email marketing providers, like Mailchimp.   …

5+ Best WordPress Plugins To Block Countries 2022 (Free and Paid)

Do you want to secure your content from other countries? Or you don’t want some particular IP addresses to sneak into your content? Don’t worry you can do this by using WordPress plugins to block countries on your website. These WordPress plugins will stop the visitors from doing any harm on your website. Also, you …