Bootstrap Modal

Bootstrap Modal is basically a pop-up box that is used to provide information and alert to the user. It is displayed on top of the current page. One of the multi-purpose lightweight JavaScript popup that is custom-built and responsive and can be used: to display alert popups, videos, and images in a website, to warn users …

CodeIgniter : PHP Curl library with SSL Example

In this tutorial, I’ll give you brief description on using PHP cURL library or function in CodeIgniter. Now what is cURL and Why it is being used..??  cURL stands for ‘client URL’. In PHP cURL library let you make HTTP requests. PHP supports libcurl that permits to connect and communicate with different types of servers protocols. cURL is used to get content from another websites through the …

Form Validation Using Ajax

AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is the art of exchanging data with a server, and updating parts of a web page – without reloading the whole page. Therefore, Ajax makes web page quick responsive.

We have already explained about form validation using different technologies. Now, the same can be done by using Ajax, In this blog post we will tell you how it can be done.