An average website has a sales conversion of 1% to 2% at the first visit by the user. They don’t look forward to buy anything until and unless they are in urgent need but the fact is they are exploring your site. So,take this as an opportunity to grow your email subscription.
But, think on the bright side! If the visitors find something interesting on your site, then definitely they want to be the one to join you at the earliest. However, it is a crucial piece of the inbound marketing strategy.
The more targeted list, the higher conversion rates will be and in turn boost your goal completions.
But exactly how you can easily increase the number of subscribers on your email list, there should be something or better way to implant.
So, here’s the solution. This article outlines some tried methods to grow your leads through contact form.
More perfectly, I want to say one thing. “Provides as much as easy possible way in front of your user to connect to your business”.
Make Form Accessible From Every Page
It doesn’t matter at all, that you have a contact form on your site unless it is easily accessible to the user. People love things to happen fast, fast as lightening speed. So, insert the form right in front of your visitor’s eyes.
Think in a way! A delighted offer on one side of your webpage, and contact form on the other side on the same page. It’s good.
Once the user click on the Popup Contact Form button, your user attention will be completely on your form screen. The only reason behind this is, the behind text will going to be blurred and there will be a only a form in the new window hovering over your screen.
So, SignUp form in style of Lightbox Form proves to focus the reader’s attention in a much better way.
Put The Form In a Prominent Location
Well said by a firm “Not all visitors have the same screen resolution, and so what might look like a good form location to you or me at 1280 x 1024 may be a poor location for people on 800 x 600.” But a little thing can make the difference.
Wrap up the form in a button. It will make a difference! One important reason is, it will easily fit on any screen. A form right under your user eye will be beneficial.
Secondly, All your visitor needs to do is just hit a single click on the form button via any of the pages. The same single form will be appeared from everywhere.
So, what you need to do?
Get the visitors to subscribe you. Firstly, give a good and exact reasons to subscribe. If you wish to increase your email subscription list and want the user to subscribe to it, then you have to let your reasons drive your visitors to become your subscriber.
Once user’s desire or needs match with your business objective, then, they will definitely want to get connected with you and include their names in your subscriber list.
Secondly, make the contact form easily reachable to your visitor. Just below your user’s eye. You have a separate page for contact. That’s good. But focus on a thing, you have put a very tempting offer for your visitors on a page… So would you make your visitor to waste a single click to move on to the contact page, instead you can make him do the task on the same page as well. That’s more applicable.
Your contact form is parallely visible with your offer. It’s awesome. Without wasting a single second, the audience can reach your farm!
How These Tabbed forms could be a better form?
- It will not pop up in the sudden window, sometimes sudden appearance of popup forms can irritate users.
- It’s a form covered in the little button. A user by his intent will click on it and fill. It will not appear on a sudden and going to irritate some users.
Tabbed forms are the easiest way to capture lead on your site. You can use it along with your Main Contact Form on Contact Page. Its effective and easy way and will not cost much. At least not any hard coding skills to create and embed such forms. Instead it’s very simple to create in just a few clicks.
Have a look to some of the websites that have used Tabbed Forms.
It Special
Other then this, if you could cleanly keep your data obtained from contact forms. It’s absolutely good for your lead management task. The centralized lead data, will make you do your lead management work faster and easier. You will prevent from data loss.
So you are having following essentials with you fr your website:
- A simple way to put contact form on each of your page to increase email list.
- A Dashboard where you can directly fetch your queries and keep it in a organized manner.
- An integrated helpdesk system from where you can take care of your clients problems and issues.
These elements are sufficient to boost up your conversion rate. What else you need more? Do you want to share any idea?
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