Bootstrap Modal

Bootstrap Modal is basically a pop-up box that is used to provide information and alert to the user. It is displayed on top of the current page. One of the multi-purpose lightweight JavaScript popup that is custom-built and responsive and can be used: to display alert popups, videos, and images in a website, to warn users …

PayPal Express Checkout API for Shopping Cart in PHP

In our previous blogs, we have discussed, how we can use PayPal express checkout for selling a Single Product and Digital Goods. Now we are going to explain how we can use PayPal express checkout for making shopping cart based website using PHP session and selling multiple products. Adding cart on the website lets users to buy multiple …

CSS Image Sprites

CSS sprites are used to reduce the number of HTTP requests send to server. The smaller images are combined into a larger one at defined X and Y coordinates. After assigning this generated image to relevant page elements, using the background-position CSS property we can then shift the visible area to the required component image. Why we use image sprites: 1 : …