5+ Best jQuery Slider Plugins 2022 (Free & Paid)

jQuery slider plugins are specially designed for developers, website manages and people who want to have attractive slider effects visible on their website. There is a large number of jQuery plugins for sliders available online. So, to simplify your search process we have listed some of the best jQuery slider plugins on this blog. All these …

5+ Best jQuery Accordion Plugins 2022 (Free and Paid)

“Accordions are useful when you want to toggle between hiding and showing a large amount of content” Accordions take their name from a musical instrument, as they contain vertically or horizontally stacked panels with just their captions visible. At the time when these panels are clicked, then they get compress or stretch like their namesake, revealing …

AngularJS Animation

Along with various important features, AngularJS also provides the functionality of animation. AngularJS provides some inbuilt directives especially created for animation which you can directly use in your application. Or you can use $animate service with the custom directive for animation purpose. In this tutorial, we are covering animation via inbuilt directives. Animation using $animate service …