FormGet is a marketplace platform for selling your coding scripts. Here we will be going to accept and sale a wide range of quality scripts focused on PHP, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, jQuery, AJAX and CodeIgniter framework.
Developers and website owners can easily sell or purchase quality scripts all over the world , that in turn helps to improve coding skills and website optimization of end users.
Requirements and Guidelines To Submit Your Codes:-
Why Sell on our Marketplace??
We have a 50,000+ users base and we ensure you that your product will get a good positive response at FormGet.
We will provide a great exposure to your scripts to make huge sales and earn good money.
Apart from the above mentioned, we have great SEO experience that can grab user attention instantly to your scripts.
Who Will Decide The Script Pricing ?
You can decide the price of your script. But our team will have the power to vary it if required and set to suitable one.
When Do I Get Paid?
We will pay 50% of each sell and it get paid between first to second week of every month subjected to sales of your script.
How We Will Pay You?
We will pay you through online payment system like PayPal, NEFT/Bank deposit.
For NEFT, you have to provide your bank details that will include your Bank name, Account holders name, Account No., IFSC code.
How Do I Submit Script?
You can submit a script via FormGet contact form.
Does Demo Link Required?
Yes, we require the demo link of the scripts along with features, main requirements to run it and snapshots if required. Also if your scripts includes any kind of login system then the login credentials also required.
What Languages Do We Accept For Marketplace?
Accepted languages to submit your scripts will be:-
- JavaScript
- jQuery
- CodeIgniter
What Points To Keep In Mind Before Submitting?
- One should submit quality code i.e. error free, proper documentation etc.
- Its motive and implementation
- It should fullfills users objective
- Authors need to update their script time to time, to make it error free and compatible .
What Script Do I Need To Sell?
The script should be coded with a prospective that any coders and designers can easily start using it in their application.
The script items should be easy to use and understandable for beginners or the one who has little programming knowledge.
How Do I get Script Ideas?
You can explore a lot many technical forums over the web where you will find the issues that users are facing or got stuck while developing.
For eg :- Can someone please guide me to create login page through PHP. You can take such points as an idea and scribble down it on your notepad.
Does My Scripts Need Documentation?
Yes, all scripts are required to have the proper documentation. It should cover all the respective points mentioned below:-
- Proper installation guidelines
- Proper Syntax
- Its objective and where to implement
- The scripts should be self explanatory, like it should have proper commenting system that should explain what the block of code is all about and what its function and need
- Supporting screenshot if require
- Demo part
Do I Need To Provide Support ?
Yes, each developer is responsible for providing support related to their scripts. Queries and suggested ideas of users will be directed to you.
Do I require An approval Before Submission?
Yes, for better user experience and to maintain quality of script, it will has to go from an approval stage where our review team will test it thoroughly as per guidelines.
If it satisfy the user experience then it will be accepted for marketplace. But if any errors found and it gets disapproved then you don’t have to worry, we will revert it back with proper feedback and area of improvements. After making the suggested changes, you can resubmit it for the approval.
What If I Have Script That Does Not Match Your Categories?
In case, if you have a script that does not fit in our focused scripting category then you can send us an email at [email protected] . Our team will review and revert it with some alternative.
For further assistance or any other query you can contact us at any time, we will respond you shortly.
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2 Replies to “FormGet Coding Script Marketplace”
I want to know have any other way, Your payment system . Like any bank account system. Thank you
Yes, We can send payment via bank accounts also.
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