You might have noticed a “download” button pop up in the bottom right corner of images in your emails?
This is not a feature of Google. Basically, some size of images or images without anchor or link shows such a download and save to drive icons.
Reason Behind It –
Google treats larger images as an attachment and allow them to view as a Google Drive Image.
This is annoying, because as a user clicks on something he accidentally downloads an image. Nobody would like that to happen with their receivers.
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So Check Out On How To Get Rid Of Download Icon From Images Using CSS –
Here are some easy tips to remove download icons from images of HTML in Gmail inbox. Just include these tricks in your CSS while designing your image html templates.
Trick 1 :- Append .a5q {display: none !important;} css class into <style> tag.
Trick 2 :- Append tabletabletable div {display: none !important;} style into <head> section within <style> tag.
Trick 3 :- Or just style inline to your large size image like this.
<a href=”” style=”cursor:default;”><img src=”your large image file”></a>
Process To Attach An Image Of HTML To Send In Gmail:-
When you attach an image to email, there are three possibilities in Gmail to do so:-
1 :- If you attach an image with attach files option, it always shows “Download” and “Save to Drive” button when you move cursor over it.
2 :- If you attach an image with insert photo option, and if image resolution is bigger than 299×524. It will show “Download” and “Save to Drive” button when you move cursor over it.
3 :- If you attach an image using drag and drop method then it will show “Download” and “Save to Drive” button when you move cursor over it in case if resolution is bigger than 299×524.
Resolution To Get Rid Of Download Icon From Images:-
The reason behind displaying attachment in images is the resolution of image. If Gmail recognizes that the resolution of image is huge then it will embed an attachment to image.
Here some statistics that proves that if your image resolution is less than or equal to 299×524, Gmail will not embed an attachment to image.
Resolution Size Description
295×165 110 kb accept as image
298×166 112 kb accept as image
299×168 113 kb accept as image
300×168 114 kb not accept as image
299×200 132 kb accept as image
299×300 185 kb accept as image
299×400 233 kb accept as image
299×500 275 kb accept as image
299×520 284 kb accept as image
299×524 285 kb accept as image
299×525 286 kb not accept as image
Gmail has introduced this feature, but many people are unaware of it, that’s the reason they face this problem.
Conclusion :-
Hope from this blog you might have known that how to remove download icon on images of HTML in Gmail. Please comment for any query. Keep visiting our blog. 🙂
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One Reply to “Remove Download Icon Over The Images In Gmail”
I’m not sure that your resolution chart is completely correct. I had an image in my code that was 177×198 and 55KB, and still had a user that received a download icon.
I agree with you that wrapping in the image in an anchor tag is one of the best ways to avoid getting a download icon if you have a large image.