Strong PHP Password Generator Script

PHP password generator is an integrated, working random password generation function for PHP. This blog post concerns how to generate online secure and strong random password via PHP  and to mail it to anybody’s email ID when they forgot their password. Also, once the user log in to his/her account using auto-generated password, they would be asked to change their …

PHP Multi Page Form

Sessions in PHP are used to retain values of a web page and can transfer them from one page to another. Using this property, we can create a multi page form in PHP.

PHP Login Form with Sessions

Session variables are used to store individual client’s information on web server for later use, as web server does not know which client’s request to be respond because, HTTP address does not maintained state.

This tutorial enables you to create sessions in PHP via Login form and web server respond according to his/her request.

PHP: Redirect To URL After Form Submission

PHP is a server side scripting language and it also allows redirecting to another page, this blog post explains you how it can be done using PHP after form submission.

We have created an HTML form with four fields and a submit button, user have to fill all fields and click on submit button, as he clicks the button PHP scripts will executes.