jQuery confirm dialog plugins are quite useful and allow creating dialog boxes other than the ugly looking standard ones. These boxes are simple popup windows that are intentionally embedded on a certain page event. These popups opens on the same page without any redirections to a new webpage.

Rich and easy to use dialog boxes can be a nice way to make your website modern without extra efforts. So, if you really want good looking dialog boxes for your site use the ready-made custom ones. Here we present the 5+ best jQuery confirm dialog plugins of 2022.

Swift through these popular jQuery plugin blogs:

To sort your table data in a pattern or textures, highlights the rows & columns.

This plugin will help your users refresh page on your website with ease.

These plugins smartly divide your forms into several steps so as to make it more interractive for the visitors to use.

1. jAlert – Prime In jQuery Confirm Dialog Plugins

jAlert jQuery plugin is a pleasant way for the alert, prompt and confirms dialog boxes. It’s not just a replacement but it also allows you to create forms within these boxes. It is a highly versatile product, you can override the normal JavaScript with a single line code. Easy use for your login forms, admin panel notifications, the registration procedure and more.

Moreover, it’s a sophisticated tool to prompt user input in a stylish way. Four extremely elegant pre-designed themes are available ready to use directly. Also, you can easily create a new theme for the alert boxes.

jAlert jQuery Confirm Dialog Plugin

Pricing Plan:

jAlert jQuery plugin has a regular licensed plan of $7 and an extended license plan of $35 with 6 months full support.


  • Resize the windows by your scales.
  • Easily drag the dialog window to anywhere on the screen.
  • The window can be minimized and allow several other windows to open at the same time.
  • Also, it supports multistage process or questionnaire.

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2. Dialogize – jQuery Confirm Dialog Plugin

Dialogize makes your site look cool for your visitor’s interaction. It dialogize the “type” option of the content as empty, pdf and image. The “empty” option generates a dialog box with the content as you set. In the “PDF” option the dialog box becomes a PDF reader. And in the “img” option the box becomes a zoom image. For the “confirm” option it becomes a confirmation box with two buttons Yes and No.

Dialogize jQuery Confirm Dialog Plugin

Pricing Plan:

This easily affordable jQuery plugin has two pricing plans.

  • Regular license plan – $3
  • Extended license plan – $35


  • Callback functions are available before opening and closing of a dialog box.
  • It provides some CSS styling via JS code.
  • It has multiple colors and images for each dialog type.
  • You can drag and resize the boxes. Also, you can specify width and height parameters to override the default ones.

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3. Super Dialog Modal Window – jQuery Confirm Dialog Plugin

Super Dialog Window is a very simple and basic functional plugin. It is fully-responsive in all manners that is it can easily adjust to different screen sizes.

Furthermore, It has 5 themes totally available to use directly they are- default, purple, red, yellow, turquoise, and green.

Super Dialog Model Window jQuery Confirm Dialog Plugin

Pricing Plan:

Grab this plugin at a regular license of $9 with 6 months full support and an extended plan of $45 only.


  • It is a modern and responsive jQuery plugin with easy to use functionality.
  • This theme has multiple options for themes.
  • You can add unlimited contents to the dialog boxes.
  • There is also an availability of an unlimited number of buttons.

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4. Easy Confirm Dialog – Prime In Free jQuery Confirm Dialog Plugins

Easy Confirm Dialog jQuery plugin presents built-in confirm dialog functionality. The plugin is highly customizable for the admin/developer with the knowledge of jQuery.

There is no need for manual callbacks, the plugin puts the default event on hold which executes accordingly as the user confirms.

If an action is specified for the target then it works accordingly or if a URL is specified then a redirection is carried out.

Easy Confirm Dialog jQuery Confirm Dialog Plugin

Pricing Plan:

Grab this plugin for free.


  • Compatible with the latest version of jQuery.
  • It is a translation ready plugin i.e, it is available in multiple languages.
  • Open source and lightweight plugin.
  • Full support through trained professionals.

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5. Dialog.js – jQuery Confirm Dialog Plugin

Dialog.js is a very lightweight replacement for the default dialog boxes. You can simply use these simple and easy to use dialog boxes as an alternate for the browser’s default popup dialog windows.

Dialog.js jQuery Confirm Dialog Plugin

Pricing Plan:

Dialog.js is free product of GitHub and you can easily download it from the official site.


  • This plugin uses pure HTML5 and CSS for designing. You can also customize it using simple coding knowledge.
  • Excellent documentation for making efficient usage of the plugin.

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6. jQdialog – jQuery Confirm Dialog Plugin

jQdialog is a very smooth and responsive jQuery plugin for replacing the standard ugly dialog boxes. It is a persistent solution to dialog box styling and positioning. It is a very clean coded plugin with extreme parameters. The jQdialog plugin weights only 3.6 KB minified.

Moreover, there is also an additional notify() dialog box that pops up & goes away in 10 seconds.

jQdialog jQuery Confirm Dialog Plugin

Pricing Plan:

The jQdialog plugin is another free product of GitHub. Download it from the official website GitHub.org.


  • It is a very small & light-weighted plugin.
  • This a browser-friendly product and works compatibly with all major browsers.
  • It supports the ‘Enter’ & ‘Escape’ keyboard shortcuts.
  • Also, the plugin’s documentation is so clear that even a beginner can make use of the plugin with basic jQuery knowledge.

Get More Details Here


In conclusion, these jQuery confirm dialog plugins can be used for the dialog box functionality on a webpage. These plugins are easy to integrate and only require downloading the library, you only need to include it in your code. These plugins are pretty lightweight and offer great customization to modify the default implementation.

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