Simple MySql CRUD In PHP

MySql CRUD is simple and easy to use script that can be implemented on any kind of application. CRUD is nothing but a group of operations i.e. create, read, update and delete records that we perform when our application gets interacted with database. So, for performing these operations we have created a simple input form …

10 Best Transactional Email Service Providers 2022

Transactional emails also commonly known as triggered emails are automatically sent to a particular user whenever a specific action or event is being performed by him (online purchase, verification, etc). So, it’s really important that these emails successfully make up to the recipient’s inbox as they may hold confirmation messages, purchase orders, and other useful …

10 Best MailChimp Alternatives: 2X Cheaper Services [Avail $5 Offer Below]

When email marketing services are discussed, it’s quite obvious that no one will forget to talk about MailChimp. Moreover, MailChimp is now slightly been phrased as an analog to email marketing service. What’s The Bottom Line, Then? Though, MailChimp is one of the most popular email marketing service… ..but there are multiple other options available …

Case Study #1: How my friend “Adi” could have reached more Email Inbox ?

My friend Adi is “not” an “Email Marketing Pro”. Infact, the last email broadcast he sent to his subscribers was almost 5 months back. That’s Bad, Isn’t It..?? Since email marketing is the highest revenue generators for businesses, he left tons of money on the table. The “only good thing” he did all this time …

Regular Expression to Validate an Email Address

Regualr expression is a sequence of character which define a specific pattern and also named as abbreviated regex or regexp and sometimes called a rational expression. we can make regular expression like ( “/ABC/”  ,”Ab_123.Cd” ,”abc123.-@&”…)  They can be patterns or combination of alphabets(a,b..z) ,numbers(0,1…9), special character     ( |, (),^, ), Quantifiers(*, +, ?), wildcards(.) character set[], …