7+ Leverage Browser Caching WordPress Plugins 2022 (Free and Paid)

Leverage browser caching WordPress plugins will help you deliver the content in milliseconds, improves site’s ranking and also put a great impression on your visitors. Leverage browser WordPress plugins help you increase the overall performance of your WordPress website. Here a question arises!!! What are really leverage browser caching WordPress plugins and how do they increase …

7+ Best Audio Player WordPress Plugins 2022 (Free and Paid)

To get the complete functionality of an audio player on your website, you can use Audio Player WordPress Plugins. For the best audio WordPress plugins, you can end the search here. As these plugins have got some must-haves such as customization, multiplayer support, playlists management and podcasting support and more. Plus, you can make digital recordings …

8 Best Automated Invoice Processing Software & Systems

Automation is the advanced level of the manual processing. Isn’t it obvious, when a certain thing works automatically than your time and energy is also automatically saved? Well, the same goes for the case of the billing system as well. Whenever the purchase takes place, the seller generates an invoice for the same & mentions …

Bootstrap Mobile

Bootstrap is a front-end framework use to make responsive mobile-first websites. For mobile-first approach, its grid function force designers to create websites for small screen devices like mobile phones. Our bootstrap responsive templates will provide you a better solution.   Below are the examples which will give you a basic idea about the structure of the …

Bootstrap Tabs

Bootstrap Tab provides an ease of handling a huge amount of data within a small area. Using this we can quickly access the content of panes without leaving the page. This also helps in easy organization of data, so that all similar data are arranged in a single pane. This proper arrangement helps in easily accessing …

Bootstrap Grid

Bootstrap Grid System is mobile-first fluid grid system which is made up of a series rows and columns to provide a structure to website and to place it’s content in the intersected areas easily. The Bootstrap grid is a library of HTML/CSS components that allow you to structure a website and place a website’s content in desired locations …

PayPal Adaptive Payments for Marketplace in PHP

The PayPal Adaptive payments split payments to one or more than one receiver PayPal accounts. Using PayPal adaptive payment, we can make simple pay, parallel payments, and chained payments. What is Chained Payment..? Chained payment is part of PayPal Adaptive payments. Using chained payment sender can send a full amount of payment to primary receiver. …