5+ jQuery Image Gallery Plugins (Free and Paid)

Display images, contents, videos, and pictures of your website, more visually appealing through jQuery Image Gallery Plugins. It goes without saying that “a picture is worth a thousand words,” and that is well true for online websites too. When you have a business website, presenting images in stylish galleries can increase sales. And you can …

5+ Best jQuery Accordion Plugins 2022 (Free and Paid)

“Accordions are useful when you want to toggle between hiding and showing a large amount of content” Accordions take their name from a musical instrument, as they contain vertically or horizontally stacked panels with just their captions visible. At the time when these panels are clicked, then they get compress or stretch like their namesake, revealing …

AngularJS-Directive : Incharge To Give Commands

In this tutorial, we are going to create a simple application using angularjs-directives. This application will contain the following feature. Display all the available themes product. Each theme product contains a product image, show features button, price, features section, Hide Features and Buy Themes buttons. When a user clicks on a product’s Show Features button,  the features section …

Bootstrap Carousel

The Bootstrap carousel is a component for sliding through elements. It is a flexible, responsive and attractive way for adding a slider in our website. It is a dynamic presentation of contents where text and images are made visible or accessible to the user by sliding through several items. Bootstrap carousel are not supported properly …