Form Validation Using Ajax

AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is the art of exchanging data with a server, and updating parts of a web page – without reloading the whole page. Therefore, Ajax makes web page quick responsive.

We have already explained about form validation using different technologies. Now, the same can be done by using Ajax, In this blog post we will tell you how it can be done.

Form Submission Using Ajax, PHP and Javascript

Our earlier blog post already explained about form submission without page refresh, but it was done by using  ajax, PHP and jQuery.

Now you will learn same functionality using ajax, PHP and Javascript through this blog post . Just follow our post or download it to use.

Form Validation Using PHP

Validation is very important aspects in data submission.

We have already explain about form validation using javascript and jQuery, but this time we will show you how to validate your form using PHP.


EmailVerifierApp provides email verification service to small as well as large companies. Businesses uses it to clean invalid emails from the rundown of individuals/supporters they have or the email records they have acquired from information providing organizations. EmailVerifierApp has a quick turnaround time. This platform is not that much accurate as they have marked many …

5+ Best jQuery Accordion Plugins 2022 (Free and Paid)

“Accordions are useful when you want to toggle between hiding and showing a large amount of content” Accordions take their name from a musical instrument, as they contain vertically or horizontally stacked panels with just their captions visible. At the time when these panels are clicked, then they get compress or stretch like their namesake, revealing …

10 Best Email Verification Services 2022

Email verification is not a new term for marketers who do email marketing.

Rather, email verification is a most important task which almost everyone does while performing email marketing. As people who provides their email details often make mistake and even provide invalid email addresses.

So, to get rid of these situation, email verification process is carried out.

Well, various services have raised up and all of them are good, but one thing what make variation between them is their email verifying methods. And if you go out looking for the best email verification services, then I could only say that it will be an unending task for you.

Remove Hashtag From The Routing URL – $locationProvider

You have noticed that whenever you write the URL of an Angular application, a hashtag, i.e /#/, always appear after the application root folder. For Example: – It happens because AngularJS is a javascript framework which work at front-end rather than back-end. So, angular adds a hashtag, by default, after the application root folder …

Regular Expression to Validate an Email Address

Regualr expression is a sequence of character which define a specific pattern and also named as abbreviated regex or regexp and sometimes called a rational expression. we can make regular expression like ( “/ABC/”  ,”Ab_123.Cd” ,”abc123.-@&”…)  They can be patterns or combination of alphabets(a,b..z) ,numbers(0,1…9), special character     ( |, (),^, ), Quantifiers(*, +, ?), wildcards(.) character set[], …