CodeIgniter : Resolve “MySQL Too Many Connection Errors”

In this tutorial we are going to see  “How one can solve too many connection problem in mysql using CodeIgniter”.  This error usually occurs if your scripts open persistent connections, which aren’t closed even if the script terminates, this means that all available connections are in use by other clients. Now Exactly what are persistent connections..??  Persistent …

Codeigniter URL Routing, Suffix & Enable Query String

In this tutorial, I’ve tried to give an overview with basic code examples on URL Routing, URL Suffix and URL Enabled Query String. Now the Question is Why it is Required..?? Through CodeIgniter URL Routing a user can present their web page in a more beneficial way, so as to make more sense to visitors and to search engines as …

CodeIgniter Template : Adding Header, Footer and Dynamic Content

CodeIgniter MVC work on a separate layer, applying MVC pattern, it is recommended that header, footer, side menu bar should be separate. Benefits of using these architectures are. If your website contains multiple pages and all have a header, footer and menu bar and if you want to make some changes on header so you …