CSS Image Sprites

CSS sprites are used to reduce the number of HTTP requests send to server. The smaller images are combined into a larger one at defined X and Y coordinates. After assigning this generated image to relevant page elements, using the background-position CSS property we can then shift the visible area to the required component image. Why we use image sprites: 1 : …

CodeIgniter Template : Adding Header, Footer and Dynamic Content

CodeIgniter MVC work on a separate layer, applying MVC pattern, it is recommended that header, footer, side menu bar should be separate. Benefits of using these architectures are. If your website contains multiple pages and all have a header, footer and menu bar and if you want to make some changes on header so you …

Set JavaScript Form Action

In this tutorial, we illustrate you an example, which shows how to set JavaScript form action. Sometimes developers want to set form action attribute of a form through programming or through other means. Here, we are using following JavaScript code to set form action on run time. To set form action attribute via JavaScript : document.getElementById(“form_id”).action = “success.php”; …

jQuery Mobile Form Example

jQuery mobile is a framework to develop mobile friendly web applications. It contains lot of functions to make user interaction smooth and effective.
In this example, we explains how to add jQuery mobile library to your HTML page and create a simple form using it.