10+ Best Real Estate Email Marketing Services 2022

The most fundamental and tiresome task of a real estate agent is to find out new clients and leads, together with staying in touch with previous customers. !! Real estate agents have utilized various marketing strategies like social media, advertising platform, etc. to get new connections. But yet they have dropped a very effective means of …

PhoneGap GPS / PhoneGap Geolocation Plugin

Geolocation can be defined as the real time geographic location of anything. To build an app, we’re going to integrate PhoneGap’s Geolocation Plugin API with Google Maps Javascript API. PhoneGap’s Geolocation Plugin API will grab user’s current location and Google Maps Javascript API will grab nearby addresses. Idea Of The App: Features A multi screen. Show nearby ATMs, Hospitals and Restaurants on the …

CRUD operations with checkbox using PHP and MySQL.

PHP and MySql are one of the most widely used technology to interact with the database. In our previous tutorials, we have performed a simple operation to get values of multiple checked checkboxes using PHP. In this blog post, we are going to demonstrate an example  of CRUD (create, read, update and delete) operations with checkboxes …

Bootstrap Carousel

The Bootstrap carousel is a component for sliding through elements. It is a flexible, responsive and attractive way for adding a slider in our website. It is a dynamic presentation of contents where text and images are made visible or accessible to the user by sliding through several items. Bootstrap carousel are not supported properly …

Bootstrap Form

Bootstrap makes it easy with the simple HTML markup and extended classes for different styles of forms. Bootstrap greatly simplifies the process of styling and alignment of form controls like labels, input fields, select boxes, textareas, buttons, etc. through predefined set of classes. HTML forms are the integral part of the web pages and applications, …

Bootstrap Accordion

What is Bootstrap Accordion ? Accordion is a built in capability of Bootstrap to create menus and technical widgets which can properly organize large content and navigation lists. Here, the areas are designed where information can be displayed by just clicking on a button and sliding an area to open and close. It implements the collapse …

Bootstrap Grid

Bootstrap Grid System is mobile-first fluid grid system which is made up of a series rows and columns to provide a structure to website and to place it’s content in the intersected areas easily. The Bootstrap grid is a library of HTML/CSS components that allow you to structure a website and place a website’s content in desired locations …

Bootstrap Modal

Bootstrap Modal is basically a pop-up box that is used to provide information and alert to the user. It is displayed on top of the current page. One of the multi-purpose lightweight JavaScript popup that is custom-built and responsive and can be used: to display alert popups, videos, and images in a website, to warn users …

10+ Best Autoresponder Email Marketing Softwares 2022

Autoresponder is one of the most efficient features of an email marketing service. It saves a lot of time and manual efforts by automating the process of communicating with your customers. Autoresponder email marketing is used by many customers in their business for purposes like – Welcoming new subscribers to your list and appreciating their …

How I reduced my monthly Email Marketing expenses from $369 to just $64

If you are running a business, It is critical for your success to look into all your expenses and find ways to reduce them every once in a while. In my case, I look into all my expenses every 6 months and do a cleaning of  the non-essential expenses. That also includes finding smarter ways to …