5+ Best Payment Request Forms: Collect Payments With Form Customizer Tools

“Start collecting payments with best payment request forms!“ Going forth is the motto for a successful enterprise & necessary measure should also be taken for the same to make your business profitable. An important way to do is to capture leads & taking information of the people in every possible way. For that, you need …

Bootstrap Carousel

The Bootstrap carousel is a component for sliding through elements. It is a flexible, responsive and attractive way for adding a slider in our website. It is a dynamic presentation of contents where text and images are made visible or accessible to the user by sliding through several items. Bootstrap carousel are not supported properly …

Bootstrap Mobile

Bootstrap is a front-end framework use to make responsive mobile-first websites. For mobile-first approach, its grid function force designers to create websites for small screen devices like mobile phones. Our bootstrap responsive templates will provide you a better solution.   Below are the examples which will give you a basic idea about the structure of the …

Bootstrap Modal

Bootstrap Modal is basically a pop-up box that is used to provide information and alert to the user. It is displayed on top of the current page. One of the multi-purpose lightweight JavaScript popup that is custom-built and responsive and can be used: to display alert popups, videos, and images in a website, to warn users …