12+ Best Free WordPress Newsletter Plugins Of Email Marketing 2022

Want to build awareness about your brand amongst potential customers to grow your business to great heights? As email marketing is considered to be one of the most effective marketing techniques for business in today’s times.. ..If you want to establish a relationship of trust with your customers so that they remain loyal to your brand!! Now if …

10 Best Contact Forms For WordPress 2022

Contact forms is an essential element of every website as that is the place or source that makes visitors reach and communicate with you easily. So here I am presenting out a superb list of 10 best contact forms for Wordpress websites, going through which you’ll know about some top-class contact forms plugin available in the market.

Let’s get started…

Phonegap Contacts Plugin : Contact Management App

PhoneGap Contacts Plugin lets the user to manage contacts stored in the device through a mobile app. Things a user can do using this plugin are – Create a contact Delete a contact Update a contact Search/Find a contact We’re going to build this Contact Management App by using PhoneGap & jQuery Mobile Interface. Now, Let’s take a …

PhoneGap Configuration File : Config.xml

Config.xml is a platform specific configuration file. With the help of this configuration file, it is possible to modify the default values of PhoneGap application elements like – Widget Name Description Plugins API Icons Splash Screens etc. Important Points About Config.xml Make sure it is at the top level of your application. You can take a look …

Recurring Payment Form : Collect Payment

Recurring payment is just like a payment in advance for using a product for a longer time. This recurring payment lets us free from all payment formalities and remembering the specific dates as it has automated payment stuff with proper notification to you.

SendGrid SMTP With MailGet : Complete Setup

MailGet provide excellent feature for multiple SMTP integration in your single account to send emails.  It connects with all SMTP services like Mandrill, SendGrid, Mailgun, Postmark, Google, Outlook, Yahoo,Mailjet  etc. In documentation, we are going to connect SendGrid with MailGet to send emails and see how to update that credentials. Do follow steps- Connect SendGrid SMTP Step: 1 After login in your MailGet …