How To Change Text Into Bold In Google Forms?

Wondering about how to bold text in Google Forms? Doubtlessly, Google Forms is best preferable when comes to create an online survey, assessment and feedback forms for free. Besides its availability on fingertips, most people reluctant to use Google Forms for creating breathtaking forms. As it binds the hands of the user by offering basic …

How To Change Placeholder Text In Google Forms?

Placeholder text or Text input eases the work by letting respondents know what exactly to fill in the field. When users start filling out the form, these texts generally disappear. It is best preferred in specified forms with certain instructions as it clarifies the field demands. Such instruction in forms generally results in high completion …

5 Best Integromat Alternatives 2022 (Free & Paid)

Choosing the right workflow automation software to seamlessly connect your apps/services is very important. Web-service automation platforms make it easy to manage complex business processes. It helps to create simple one-to-one integrations or complex workflows to move/transform data across multiple apps. So that, you can concentrate on your work rather than streamlining manual and repetitive …

How To Autofill Google Forms’ Drop-down Based On Past Choices?

Looking for implementing the autofill feature in Google Forms’ dropdown based on previous choices? An autofill feature is widely preferred for lengthy forms because such forms require time. Suppose, you want to show data to your users in the next drop-down based on their previous selection. Then it will definitely consume time, but using autofill …

How To Print Individual Google Forms Responses Compactly?

Your Google Forms survey turned out to be great, but while printing the survey’s feedback, you discover that it takes too much white space in the paper. In this era of minimalism and environmental awareness, you can’t afford to waste paper. But, unfortunately, Google Forms is helpless here, as it can’t print individual responses compactly. …

How To Upload Full Image As A Header In Google Forms?

They say “The first impression is the last impression”. When your respondent views your form, what is the first thing that grabs his/her attention? Definitely, the header image isn’t it? Also, you can convey the full potential of your brand through the header image of the form. Therefore, you can’t compromise on its quality or …

What Is The Best Way To Create Surveys With Google Forms?

When comes to planning surveys, organizing online competition or collecting feedback forms through respondent, the first thought which crosses our mind is Google Forms. The reason for the same, it is the only free tool that lets us create online beautiful forms without any trouble. Whether it is a questionnaire or poll, Google Forms is …

How To Add A Line Break In Google Forms’ Question?

Adding a line break in Google Forms’ question helps users to maintain readability. There is no doubt that long paragraphs are tiresome and it is beyond possible to grabs user’s attention through it. Generally, while conducting surveys or any online competition we usually prefer to set some guidelines. And, if those guidelines will be in …

How To Customize Font In Google Forms’ Confirmation Message?

The confirmation messages sent by Google Forms looks kinda unemotional as if, it is sent by a robot. You need a warm communication flow between you and your clients. Now, one of the best ways to make confirmation emails amicable is by altering the font/font size to a more friendly tone. Unfortunately, Google Forms don’t …

How To Track IP Addresses Of Respondents In Google Forms?

Wondering about tracking the IP addresses of the respondent in Google Forms? Primarily, Google Forms is a free tool, best suitable for creating simple forms with basic properties. But, if you are looking for a way to track advance information like IP address, geolocation, browser details, country, etc. Then, it will disappoint you as there …